1 JBA replacement ball joint
1 Rubber boot
4 pcs 5/16”-18 x 1.12” Grade 5 Steel Zinc
4 pcs 5/16”-18 lock nuts, Grade 8 Steel Zinc
1 pcs 14mm x 1.50 Class 10 Steel Zinc Nylon Lock Nut
3 grease fitting ¼”-28 SAE J534 Steel Zinc
3 grease-fitting dust caps (red) 1” long strap
Rebuild-able joint
Cerakote H Series Oven Cure coating
CNC Machined in our shop.
JBA Max 90 Upper Ball Joint Fits all JBA manufactured arms.
90-degree range of motion, the most extensive range in the market, Designed for Offroad use, Rebuildable joint, MADE IN USA!!